
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sweet! The California Supreme Court Gets It Right This Time!

Bravo to the California Supreme Court!!!!! It just hit the news that they upheld the terms and conditions of California's Proposition 8 passed by voters this past November. The link to the news article can be found here:

Speaking for myself, I was really worried the CSC would rule against Prop 8. It's nice to see they recognize the right of California citizens to establish the rule of law in their state by majority vote. Previous rulings by the CSC regarding this issue were in error as California had already passed a vote in 2000 or 2001 to define marriage as between a man and a woman. The CSC interference was absurd to say the least.

Not only did the CSC uphold the proposition, but they did so on a 6-1 vote. That's amazing in and of itself. I half expected it to be 4-3...really tight.

Anyway, not a long post, but one I had to jump on ASAP.

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