Welcome to The Lemon Harangue. A Harangue is defined as a speech addressed to a public assembly...a ranting speech or writing...a lecture. In reality, it's just a place for me to stand on my soap box and rant at times, rave at other times, and hopefully have some good, lighthearted fun. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sweet! The California Supreme Court Gets It Right This Time!
Speaking for myself, I was really worried the CSC would rule against Prop 8. It's nice to see they recognize the right of California citizens to establish the rule of law in their state by majority vote. Previous rulings by the CSC regarding this issue were in error as California had already passed a vote in 2000 or 2001 to define marriage as between a man and a woman. The CSC interference was absurd to say the least.
Not only did the CSC uphold the proposition, but they did so on a 6-1 vote. That's amazing in and of itself. I half expected it to be 4-3...really tight.
Anyway, not a long post, but one I had to jump on ASAP.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day!
There are few words in the English language that stir our souls with such reverence, respect and awe.
Can we ever fully understand the meaning of these words, or the price that is paid to guarantee our everlasting privilege to live under such circumstances?
The countless souls who went home to our Heavenly Father for love of family, of homes, and country.
and of yesterday...
The ones who live, we can shake hands with...
and the ones who sorrow, we can embrace.
Do we remember the fear we felt when our freedom and liberty were in jeopardy?
Or when brother fought against brother, each believing they were doing the right thing?
Can we understand the fear they felt when landing in harms way?
Do we honor the memorials to their sacrifices?
The names and faces?
Do we understand the commitment each American soldier makes on behalf of his/her fellow citizens?
Can we ever thank them enough for all they do?
What does it take to preserve freedom, to guarantee liberty?
It takes courage, dignity, honor, commitment, and above all...Love of one's fellowman.
God bless our soldiers serving this great nation...
and God Bless America!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Steve Perry "The Voice"
Fans from over 40 countries cast their votes for several months. I was one of those that not only voted, but kept track of the online vote throughout the process. It was extremely close up to the end with Freddie Mercury beating out Steve Perry by a fraction of a percent. Personally, I think Perry is much better, but that's just my Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression talking. See for yourself...
I'll admit I was sorely disappointed because I grew up with Journey playing on my turntable day in and day out, and Steve Perry's voice is the standard I have always compared every other singer to. However, coming in 2nd place to the lead singer of Queen, who was himself a unique and legendary singer, is no small accomplishment.
My ties to Steve Perry are mostly imagined – yes I wish he was my long, lost brother, my next door neighbor, Disc Golf partner, etc. However, he did grow up less than 30 miles from my hometown of Fresno, CA (he was born and raised in Hanford, CA and lived in Lemoore, CA while attending high school). Like me, Steve Perry has a special place in his heart for the San Joaquin Valley and has mentioned it in song and interviews.
Steve Perry's musical idol was the legendary Sam Cooke. Listening to Sam sing songs like Cupid, Good Times and You Send Me reveals the similarities in both singing styles. Steve Perry has been, and still is, my singing idol. Over the past 30-plus years of being a Perry fan, I have also developed some similarities in singing style. Oh heck, what am I saying? I can sing like Steve Perry and if you catch me in a good mood, I may even regale you with a sample sometime.
I have seen Journey in concert a handful of times back in their heyday...Fresno, San Francisco, Salt Lake City. They have always impressed. The band members are true musicians, exceptionally gifted at their respective musical talents.
Unfortunately, Journey is and has been without Steve Perry since the late 90's. They continue to actively record and perform with a new lead singer Arnel Pineda (their third lead singer in the last decade), and have recently released a new CD titled, "Revelation", which is pretty good.
Will there ever come a day when "The Voice" of Steve Perry will unite once again with the Neal Schon, Jonathan Cain, Ross Valery and Steve Smith? Who can say? It would be quite the event. However, I don't think it is likely. I would be very happy if Perry would just come out of his decade-long musical isolation and release a solo album once again. The man is 60 years old as of this past January. He needs to get on the ball. So here's to wishful thinking
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My First Post on my New Blog (What am I getting myself into?) Overcoming Temptation
So my lesson for the Priest Quorum today is titled, "Overcoming Temptation". Yeah, I scored on that one...lucky me, LOL. This coming from the guy who can't pass up a bag of Tostito's Hint of Lime chips whenever he shops the grocery store. Oh, and by the way for those wanting to know, Tostito's Hint of Lime chips now come in a bag that offers 20% more. Isn’t that great? This is how it's advertised on the bag:
Fun to share, FUN TO SHARE...are you kidding me? Who wants to share when you can down all 2,400 calories and 2,560mg of Sodium during an episode of Lost? I'll be honest, not me! Also, you want to see some rationalization here? I have scoured through D&C Section 89 with a fine-tooth comb and nowhere, and I do mean nowhere, do I find any reference to Tostito's Hint of Lime chips being against the Word of Wisdom. To take it even one step further, I honestly believe Tostito's Hint of Lime chips builds health in my navel and marrow to my bones. How's that for justification? Actually, I do believe the Destroying Angel resides within each bag and the Adversary is the CEO of Frito Lay. 'Nuff said about that!
So back to the lesson. Teaching is great. Especially teaching 16 and 17 year old young men. The challenge is imagining and understanding the temptations they face nowadays. See it's been over a quarter century (NO OLD JOKES ALLOWED!) since I was their age and times have changed. Oh I know they face many of the same temptations I did as a youth, but somehow in this day and age those temptations seem more sophisticated in their presentation. Convenience has become a common theme in our society. So much is laid in our lap without us having to lift a finger literally (o.k., so you lift a finger when you use the T.V. remote, the computer mouse, the game console control pad, etc.). Entertainment is so easily accessible without leaving the confines of our home, our couch, or our desk. At least when I was a kid and wanted to get into mischief, I had to go looking for it. Now it seems like the mischief comes looking for us.
Anyway, Chris Stewart is an LDS author I have really come to enjoy. He wrote a series of books titled, "The Great and Terrible", and from it I have retained an excerpt from his writings that I find very enlightening, very applicable to our day. It's something I will include in my lesson today and it's something I give a lot of thought to as our society, and I do mean American society in particular, struggles with moral right and wrong.The setting is the Pre-existence and Lucifer is counseling with his angels as to how they can better convert the children of God to his plan for mortality. Like present day LDS missionaries, Lucifer's angels go about the kingdom spreading their message, however their success is minimal. So Lucifer decides on a new approach and provides an orientation to his angels where he teaches them the following...
"...Now listen to me, people, for this is the key...evil can be twisted into virtue if you phrase it just right. Any vice is acceptable if you cloak it as an issue of freedom. Any immorality is worth fighting for if you tell them they are fighting for choice, if you wrap it in the mantle of privacy and freedom. So take their moral agency and turn it on them...Only lie when you have to. Speak the truth when you can; for the truth, once it's twisted, is the most effective tool we have. Coat your lies with enough truth, and they will swallow it down. But be patient...be patient...it takes time to turn the truth upside down."
If that paragraph does not describe the state of our society so accurately, I don't know what does. Hopefully, I can convey that message to my Priest Quorum effectively. It is vital they understand the necessity of putting on the whole armor of God. We must all understand it and do it, or we risk losing everything that matters most.