
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Utah's Monsoon Season

O.K., so I'm a total nut for wild weather. Love to watch it, love to be in it, love to chase it in the car.
The variety of weather we get in Utah is one of the things that makes living here so fantastic. A day of wind, hail, rain, lightning, thunder, awesome looking cloud formations, rainbows and sunsets will put me in the best of moods.
The past 24 hours has been a lot of fun. Nighttime sleeping with lightning flashes and rolling thunder in the distance is like a bedtime lullaby for me. Light rain, then heavy rain, then wind whipping around the house is what I call "therapy".
Mind you, I am foolish at times. Last night I took Evee out for a nighttime stroll at Fort Utah Park. This is my mangy mutt right here...

She was loving it. I was loving it. Then, a white light lit up the sky, a momentary sound of fizzling, then KABOOM! I ducked like that would have made a difference between life and death, and Evee ran for the car.

I was on the phone with my wife at the time and I cursed, LOL. Didn't even get into trouble for that one.

Utah weather...Yeah!

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